The heartbeat of Student Outdoor Experience, also known as SOE, is to see students become great leaders of homes, families, communities, and the outdoors. Join us as we live the experience and develop the next generation of leaders.
The heartbeat of Student Outdoor Experience, also known as SOE, is to see students become great leaders of homes, families, communities, and the outdoors. Join us as we live the experience and develop the next generation of leaders.

SOE Clubs Clubs provide an opportunity for students to meet and where they can be mentored and motivated to become great sportsmen, conservationists and leaders in their homes, communities and the outdoors.
Student Outdoor Experience, a non-for-profit organization, provides archery lessons and camps throughout the year and during the summer for an entire week.

This is the one stop shop to get all your SOE gear!
It is our passion to teach students how to be great leaders and we feel that there is no better place to teach than in the beautiful outdoors. Hunting, fishing, conversation, archery, and other shooting sports provide students the opportunity to learn responsibility, respect, and discipline.

John Stamper, SOE
“Our Heart is to empower the next generation to become great leaders of their homes, schools, communities and the outdoors.”

Mark Peterson, Worldwide Trophy Adventures
“The Partnership we have with SOE has been a tremendous asset to our overall program and we are honored to be a part of a team making an impact within this generation.”

Tim Herald, Worldwide Trophy Adventures
“SOE is the only organization that is uniquely focused on leading the next generation to preserve our sport and heritage. I am proud to be a member and work alongside of Team SOE.”

David Blanton, Realtree Outdoors
“I personally endorse the work Student Outdoor Experience is doing in the lives of students and for our sport.”

Andrea Haas, SOE Pro Staff
“I believe in SOE and their mission for the next generation. I am proud to work with this team and to be an SOE Pro Staff.”